June 2024 Vegetable Garden Tour

One year later and here we go again! A video taking you around the raised beds to see what’s growing in this year’s veg garden. It’s been fun to compare how much has changed since last year’s tour. I hope to do one of the flower garden as well, after I clean it up next month.

2 thoughts on “June 2024 Vegetable Garden Tour

  1. Wow, what a great vegetable garden you have! My veggies have been a bit of a flop this year – it was so wet and the slugs moved in. 😫 I am very envious of your beetroot! What do you do with your Jerusalem artichoke? I don’t like them much but we have trillions of them! Maybe I can disguise them in a curry! 🤣 Happy gardening Angela!

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    1. Thanks! This is definitely the best I’ve done ever, and in no small part due to lucky weather. The warmth and gentle rains have made a world of difference from last year. You know what they say, though — there are always going to be some plants that prefer a certain type of weather, if others don’t. I’ve had to shade a lot of my seedlings and cool-season crops this year, because the sun has been too intense for them. I’m sure tons of plants would love your weather, though I’ll admit that the slugs can be a nuisance. I’ve been trying to cultivate our local bird/toad/shrew populations to keep pests under control here, though I still have to pick a few off of leaves when I’m out there in the mornings.

      I only had enough Jerusalem artichoke last year to make a creamy soup, so I suppose I’ll have to look for some interesting recipes this winter as well. I’m planning to use some to pad out my mashed potatoes, and in trays of roasted root vegetables. Maybe a gratin? They seem to work the same as potatoes, generally.

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