Six on Saturday | 9th December 2023

I’ve been waiting later and later every Saturday before writing these posts, hoping that I might snap a picture of something that will make its way into the collection. It’s made a little difficult by the fact that I can only take pictures on the weekend since it is dark when I leave the house and dark when I come back during the week. Today’s sunrise was at 9.33 with sunset at 15.18, with usable light being something less than that. That’s still luxurious compared to the northern part of the country, though, where they saw their last sunset on November 25th and won’t see a sunrise until January 17th. Yep, for nearly two months, the newspaper just prints a date for sunrise instead of a specific time.

1. Snowy viburnum berries that the birds haven’t gotten to yet. They already polished off the ones on the older shrub, but this is a newer plant and the berries are kind of hidden by surrounding branches.

2. A bargain amaryllis I got with my spring bulb order. I think three stalks are coming out of it! Hopefully, it will bloom in time to be on the table for Christmas dinner. I wonder what color it will be?

3. Cascading cymbidiums blocking my view of the veg garden over the winter. One’s white and one’s light pink. They really *really* need repotting after they flower this spring, pretty sure I’m going to have to cut them out of those pots by then. They seem happy, though, so that’s good.

4. I always thought staghorn ferns were these dainty things, more difficult to care for than other plants. This one, however, barely asks a thing from me and is increasing in size so steadily that I’m starting to think it might need a bigger pot. It doesn’t seem to have any issues with the lower winter humidity, either, while the Boston fern next to it has once again started to shrivel. Mental note, humidifiers must be brought out this weekend!

5. A Tale of Two Pothos. These two pots are only separated by a few feet and receive the exact same care. The one on the left is a pot full of cuttings taken from the one on the right, which just up and shriveled last month. I need to take it down and figure out what to do with it since it looks like it’s not actually dead but just extremely unhappy. It is the first plant that I got in Finland, as a cutting from a friend when I moved here more than a dozen years ago. It has managed to come back from looking worse and having been horrendously neglected, so I’m still holding out hope.

6. Finally, the resident furbeasts. I might as well draw the angel wings and devil horns on these two. The one on the left is not interested in plants at all, barely leaves floor level unless it is to attain lap level, and just likes to keep us company. The one on the right is the reason all of my larger plants, fish, and other small animals reside in my office instead of the house.

Thanks for visiting and please do check out what the other SoSers are doing over at Jim’s page!

Six on Saturday | 25th November 2023

The snow I promised to photograph arrived this past week. Today was a clear and crisp and very brisk -7°C, so I crunched around outside in my biggest pair of boots to show you the current state of the garden.

1. Standard view of the veg garden, winter edition. The ground is frozen and it’s best to avoid disturbing the snow so it insulates what’s under it. If we get a normal to decent amount of snow this year, you will not be able to see the beds by March. I must strap on the snowshoes by that point, to avoid sinking hip-deep with each step. Any crops still out there (just the salsify and experimental lettuce) are on their own until spring melt.

2. The chunky Norway spruce which I would personally like to remove completely because it’s casting an awful lot of shade and most likely killing the nearby fruit trees. It’s not like we don’t have an entire forest of them already. The husband is fond of it, though, and even I must admit that this one has a particularly pleasing shape. Our compromise was that he would keep those bottom boughs trimmed so they allow a bit more light through and don’t keep thwapping everyone who walks past.

3. A limber young birch arching gracefully under its load of snow.

4. And we’re back inside again! I got this little olive tree a couple of years ago and it started putting on a good amount of growth this summer. I was very relieved since it lost a lot of leaves last winter when it came inside. This year, I put the grow lights closer to it and the leaves are looking much perkier. Now I just need to read up on how to prune this thing, since some of the branches are getting long.

5. Pelargoniums got brought in for the winter because I read somewhere they make good houseplants. I always thought of them as needing a lot more sun, but they seem to be growing well enough. With some luck, they will be big by spring and ready to flower when I put them out. Considering how slow they were to start as little plug plants last year, it’s worth a try.

6. Two Camellia sinensis that are overwintering in the kitchen. I hope to eventually plant these outside in a sheltered location with winter protection since they are supposedly hardy to zone 7. They seemed a bit too tiny to try that with this year, though.

Thanks for visiting and please do check out what the other SoSers are doing over at Jim’s page!

Six on Saturday | 18th November 2023

First post of winter, brrr! Our nights have consistently been dipping below 0°C now, though not very far below most of the time. Enough to justify a fire in a woodstove and candles everywhere, though! There are about six hours between sunrise and sunset at the moment, though that’s closer to five hours of usable light on a good day, and it’ll drop to four by next month. It’s dark when I leave the house in the morning and dark when I get back from work, so the first time I’ve seen the garden all week was actually Friday afternoon. It keeps me from dwelling too much on outdoor chores, at least.

1. The last of those chores was to dig up the Jerusalem artichokes for storage in the root cellar. The bag I got wasn’t labeled, but I believe these are ‘Red Fuseau’ after reading some descriptions online. I planted only one tuber in the spring, so didn’t know what to expect. That resulting plant has given us a little over 20 tubers of various sizes, so that worked out pretty well! I plan to cook half of them in some sort of soup and plant up the rest this spring in their own bed. In the meantime, they are safely snoozing away in a root cellar bin.

2. Speaking of the root cellar, I was asked for specifics about carrot storage, so I thought I’d show you what I did. I’ve found that carrots and beetroots will survive the winter just fine in a mesh basket in the cellar, though they start to get wrinkly after a few months. Packing them with damp-ish material is supposed to help, so I chucked my first crop of carrots into a big bucket with sterile bagged potting moss. Potting moss mix is made from sphagnum moss (not peat!) which stays nice and airy, absorbs moisture well, and also seems to inhibit microbes. It serves as packing material in the winter and then is used for potting up plants in the spring!

After calculating the amount of space I needed for the rest of the root vegetables, I bought some stacking plastic feed bins to store the rest. Since I harvested the carrots during the wet season, I didn’t bother to dampen the moss, and let it instead suck out any excess moisture from the carrots, to be used later. Roots are placed in the moss so they don’t touch, with a layer of moss separating each layer of carrots like a giant veggie lasagna. Anything else that’s prone to drying out got similar treatment.

3. A walk in the garden this morning found everything covered by a light layer of snow. Not enough to make for pretty landscape photos yet, though. These rose hips have colored up well and provide welcome relief from all the brown and white. I’m leaving them for the birds, who are currently more interested in emptying the feeder under the kitchen window. That’s been refilled with oil sunflower seeds, which always attract a party. Speaking of sunflower seeds, I shall have to buy new packets for spring because the heads that I harvested last month got eaten by sneaky mice in the barn whilst they were drying! Lesson learned.

4. Back inside we go to visit some green friends. Here are two baby brugmansias. The one on the left is a white one I started from seed. The one on the right is a cutting from a local gardener and should have peach flowers. They will both take a few more years before they are mature enough to bloom, so I am happy that they have adjusted to life under a grow light on a windowsill.

5. Back at the beginning of 2021, I saw this thing on Pinterest about growing your own lemons from seed and decided to try it. They said to go buy a nice organic lemon from the store because those would have the best seeds. So I came home with this big, beautiful lemon from the fancy fruit section, which I let sit on the counter for a few days until I could have some uninterrupted gardening time. I dreamt of a pot full of fragrant little seedlings from this plump paragon of a lemon. Then I finally cut it open to find… it was all flesh and no seeds. Not one. Nada. Oh, the disappointment. It made great lemonade, though.

I still had a pot with a little greenhouse dome prepared for planting, so I rummaged through the fridge drawer and pulled out one of those six-in-a-plastic-net-bag bargain lemons from Lidl and cut the seeds out. They all sprouted and I was giving out baby lemon trees that spring to anyone who wanted one. Here is the one I kept, 2.5 years later.

6. One of our current propagation projects. My son’s Echeveria disintegrated this past summer. Whether it was due to overwatering, underwatering, or some other factor (probably cat-related), we are not certain. He was upset. This kid loves his succulents. I told him not to worry, we could plant them like seeds and get more plants! Thankfully, I was not proven a liar. Look at all the baby Echeverias!

Thanks for visiting and please do check out what the other SoSers are doing over at Jim’s page!

Six on Saturday | 11th November 2023

It’s supposed to rain for most of this weekend, but I’ll be ducking out during the lighter portions to harvest what I can because winter officially begins for us next week. The nighttime temps will be consistently below 0ºC, the snow will fall, and the ground will be frozen solid after a few weeks. I’ve left more vegetables out later than I normally would this year and I must say that it’s worked out rather well! It’s given me a lot more time between harvesting each crop to prepare them for storage, which is just as important as growing them if they’re to be usable for the next six months.

1. The first time growing kohlrabi ‘Azur-Star’ has been a success. It was sharing a bed with golden beets and still produced a basketful of good-sized bulbs to use for the next couple of months. I’ve also really enjoyed using its leaves and stems in soups. I plan to give a whole bed to kohlrabi next year and grow both colors to see if there is any difference in flavor between them.

2. First time growing Hamburg parsley, which suffered a little from my mistakes. Which is a shame, because after nibbling on some of those tiny roots, I think I rather like the taste. The problem came when I didn’t thin them out and ended up with many tiny baby roots instead of bigger ones, much like what happens with carrots. I intercropped them in rows with radishes since those were pulled out much earlier on. Perhaps next year I will just mix the two seeds before sowing so that the spaces created when the radishes are harvested will be more uniform. I love that this is a twofer crop, providing fresh leaf parsley through the summer (which I also dehydrate for winter use after harvest) and nice mellow-tasting roots.

3. The salsify and scorzonera are still in their bed, being very cold-hardy. I put a thick fleece over them to keep the soil from freezing for as long as possible and will see how long I can harvest them this winter like that. I haven’t pulled any up, so don’t know how big they are yet. If they do get frozen in there, we might just have to wait until spring to taste them!

4. The baby lettuce bed with its plastic greenhouse cover is alive but doesn’t seem to have any interest in growing. I’m guessing the waning light is to blame. We’ll see how they do for the rest of the winter.

5. My biggest surprise this week came when I started harvesting my son’s carrot bed. I planted a bed of early Nantaise 2 carrots before the last frost and although it had a very healthy amount of green growth, the root harvest ended up being mediocre at best, perhaps because of the very dry spring conditions. We ended up with one large basket. The Berlicum 2 carrots that my son planted a month later had much less greenery, were growing in a shallower bed, and had been grazed on by local herbivores at some point, as you can see in the picture to the left. We figured that between the two beds, we’d have enough to last a couple of months, used sparingly. And yet.

So I went to pull them out this morning, mostly out of guilt because I had left his carrots too long last year and they’d all frozen to mush. And I kept pulling. And pulling. And pulling. There were tiny carrots and good-sized salad carrots and big old soup carrots and everything in between. I ended up having to turn over my stool and use it to carry carrots. Then went back and got another bucket to carry more carrots. It started raining heavier and I was. Still. Pulling. Carrots.

The moral of this story? I’m not sure, but this kid better not be lying about liking carrot salad.

6. Last of all, an update on the herb cuttings I took last month. The mints all rooted easily in water, as expected, and are now moved into their pots for growing out over the winter. The main plants are still in the garden, but these are backups because the ones outside don’t always survive. The three thymes also rooted amazingly fast and are now sitting around my olive tree like kindergartners at storytimethyme.

Thanks for visiting and please do check out what the other SoSers are doing over at Jim’s page!

Six on Saturday | 4th November 2023

So this has been an eventful week, though perhaps not one I’d like to repeat. I came down with a rather unpleasant virus at the end of last week which lasted well into the beginning of this one, keeping me from participating in Halloween events with my students. I also lost my voice, so I have been conducting classes with the help of a computer-generated voice (with associated frenetic typing and pauses) and plentiful gesticulations. At least the kids seem to find it entertaining.

1. Somebody flipped the “winter” switch on the night of the 30th, and we all woke up to full-on snowy conditions on Halloween. It stayed this way for most of the week, which would have been fine except that a lot of us still had summer tires on. Any advantage to that extra morning hour from daylight savings was mostly spent on leaving the house early so we could drive on the roads slowly and safely.

2. …and then the rain came last night and we’re back to autumn again for the next week or so. Cutting garden on the left, sports lawn in the middle, vegetable garden to the right. There isn’t much left to do other than putting away some ornaments and cutting down any lingering plant material.

3. My son gave me this Thanksgiving cactus for Mother’s Day. It flowered this week! Very pretty light pink blossoms. I think there were five of them, but I accidentally knocked off one of the buds when I moved it to my classroom window sill. I’ve never had one of these plants before and am very pleased with how easy it’s been to care for.

4. Wrapping up the garden has started me thinking about what projects to tackle next year. I’ve added a new row to the vegetable garden, but that’s mostly because we’re growing more of the things we like eating, so nothing new there. The cutting garden is well on its way, so next year will be more about fine-tuning what is already there. The patch in the picture below is an area next to the garage that needs a bit of cleaning up, and I’m now thinking it’d be the perfect place to put all my shade-loving woodland plants, with a bit of soil improvement. On the list of things to be moved here are: ostrich ferns, various sizes of hostas, columbines, lily of the valley, dicentras, and rhododendrons. There should be plenty of room to bring in some other stuff, too, so I would appreciate any suggestions you might have for zone 6 hardy plants that might do well here.

5. Not from my garden, but my mother-in-law dropped in earlier with these lovely roses for my birthday and I had to take a photo. Why do I not have any red roses in the garden? This is something that needs to be fixed next spring.

6. This is Munchkin. He is a Noctuidae moth caterpillar (known to many as a cutworm). He hitched a ride inside on the last of the gladiolus flowers the night before the first frost. I found him the next morning on the kitchen table about to be eaten by the cat and took pity on him. So now he is in a Nutella jar for the winter, keeping us company as a temporary-pet-come-science-project. Hopefully we will get to see him pupate and metamorphosize, since we didn’t manage to catch any butterfly caterpillars earlier this year. In the meantime, he has been amusing us by producing candy-pink poops from eating pink flowers.

Thanks for visiting and please do check out what the other SoSers are doing over at Jim’s page!